Site Security Update

With some changes to the website planned over the coming weeks, it has become necessary to improve the security a little. So, with the assistance of an SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt the site has now moved across to HTTPS at long last. Hopefully I have configured everything properly and it won’t end up by…


Carnival on a Gremlin / Sega Vic Dual PCB. Just had blue bars on screen, although probing the Z80 showed it was trying to run code. Using a logic probe I discovered that the /WRITE signal of the ram chips was always high. This signal comes from a 74LS10 at U77. Checked this chip and…

Cosmic Guerilla Complete

The MiSTer core for Cosmic Guerilla has been completed. This core uses a TMS9900 CPU where the original uses a TMS9980 (8 bit version of same CPU, just does 2 byte reads/writes instead of 1 word read/write). However, game speed is controlled using vertical counter, so should be the same as the original. Sound effects…

PCB order arrived

The postman bought me a package today containing the updated versions of most of the PCBs from the website as well as the new ones for the MiSTer -> Gorf (and others) interface. I need to get soldering and make sure that they actually work. I think I’ll start with the multigame, not had one…

Pin2DMD build

I managed to pick up a PCB for the shield needed to build a PIN2DMD, which although it is primarily for virtual pinballs, it works in real ones and supports features such as colour files to liven up the graphics on the DMD I bought all of the parts needed to assemble it, but, due…


Capacitor burnt. (game board), particularly at C37 the capacitor was showing signs of extreme heat. Replaced them all with 22uF 25V axial electrolytics. No Speech / Some SFX missing. (game board) Output from speech chip SC01 was OK, as was output from IO Custom (X3). checked transistors in output stage and 2N4401 was faulty. (Q2)…

PCB Updates

Since the company I used to use for PCB production has ceased doing them for general customers (they only do their own now) I have reworked all of the PCB files available from this site to meet the constraints of another company. I need to finish checking them, but should hopefully order some samples of…


Ran through self test OK, came up with chequer board screen and then reset most of the time. Occasionally would start game, but with credit noise continually playing and credits rapidly counting upwards. This is caused by CPU 4 (E5) not running properly. checked the eprom and ram (C5,D5 and E5) and ram was faulty….

Updated website

Macro’s arcade website finally makes it into the current century! After many years of being a Frontpage website, it is slowly being transferred across into WordPress. Not all of the pages and news have been transferred across, so expect the rest to re-appear over the coming weeks. Hopefully it will make it much easier for…


No display – When move board, display flickers – go around board pushing each chip in turn, when press on 2E picture appears. Pin 16 rusted, only just in place. replace chip – picture back to normal. No star display. Board had been hacked to play an alternate game, pin 15 on chip 2B had…

Frogger (Sega)

Missing Chip. This was a converted moon cresta board. The IC at 1.2S (shoehorned in sideways between rows 1 and 2 by the sprite ram) was missing. This was not featured on any schematics I had, so I traced the connections to see what it could be. It basically takes the output from the sprite…

Do Run Run

Crashing game. Game woud start attract mode, but shortly after would crash and boot loop. Entering test mode (hold player 1 start button whilst switching on) and it would pass first time around, but fail at random addresses on subsequent runs. The /WAIT signal on the main Z80 is handled by the IC at E2…

Dark Seal

Glitched graphics. Screen changes as board is flexed. Moved around board pressing chips until pressing the custom surface mount chip at B6 changed the effect. Noticed that the corner most pins had come up from the board. After an unsuccessful effort to resolder them, I used some enameled 38 swg wire to solder from the…

Crazy Balloon

No Sound. Signal at output of SN76477 pin 13, follow through to input of sound amp, then from output until we reach electrolytic capacitor used to decouple  connection to speaker. Signal going in, nothing coming out – replace capacitor sound back to normal. Only drawing a few pixels of player balloon sprite. Following the schematics,…

Make your own PCBs

The gerber files for the Galaxian multigame are now available here! – It started off as a easy to fit version of the 8 game, since they were a real pain to solder all the wire links for the colour prom. Shipping around the world for kits has been getting increasingly dodgy, with more parcels going missing this year…