Untested PCB’s

This is the list of boards that I have waiting for me to get around to making a loom, testing or fixing – It’s mainly here so I know what I’m yet to get around to doing. Where they have been examined or tested, the comments state what is wrong with them.

1FroggerBootlegNo Sound (No Amp Chip!)
3JumpingBootlegSprite fault
4Tokio ?BootlegUntested
5JackalKonamiH1 custom error
7Chopper 1BootlegText is stretched, rest seems OK
8Pocket GirlBootlegUntested
9Indoor SoccerUniversalUntested
10AsteroidsAtariUntested / Missing CPU, Rom / Y Gain pot broken
13PaclandNamcoMissing A7,L9,R3 customs
16Track and Field ?BootlegUntested
17Carrier AirwingBootlegUntested
18Violence FightTaitoGraphic problem
19Sly SpyData EastSprite custom needs re-soldering (SMT)
21Moon PatrolBootlegUntested
23Crazy KongFalconUntested
26Caveman NinjaData EastUntested
27Donkey Kong JnrBootlegUntested / Hardwire loom / No Amp / No Colour Proms
29Bakuba-Louk No DensetsuBootlegUntested
30Hyper OlympicsBootlegUntested
31Son of PhoenixPromaUntested
32NibblerSNKUntested / Missing sound board?
34Super QixBootlegMinor Sync problem
35Street FighterBootleg
37King BoxerWoodplaceUntested
44Bubble BobbleBootlegUntested
45Land, Sea, Air SquadBootlegUntested
46Double DragonBootleg63701 error
47Mortal KombatBootlegMidway roms / No Sound (pot broken)
51LadybugUniversalScreen of Junk
55LazarianMidwayUntested / No sound board
56Lazer CommandMeadowsUntested / 024-0045 (c) 1976
581942CapcomGraphics Fault
60GalaxianSubelectroUntested / dirty
61Revolution XMidwayUntested / needs guns
62GalaxiaZaccariaUntested / Complete
64Video PoolBootlegDead / missing ram / missing sprite ram
65Van Van CarSanritsuUntested
68PengoBootlegUntested / missing amp
69PopeyeBootlegUntested / missing chip / missing crystal
70Video PoolBootlegScramble Hardware, No Sprite Ram
72VatourJeutelUntested Phoenix
73Space PanicUniversalNo Eproms / cocktail PCB
76GalaxiaZaccariaUntested / Video board only
79Booby KidsBootlegBad Sync / No Sound
80Golden AxeBootlegReset problem (fitted with 32 * 27512)
81Space PanicUniversalUntested
82Secret AgentData EastPriority problem
83Head OnBootlegMissing Ram (with sound board)
84Triva QuizGreyhoundUntested / With question PCB
85Triva QuizGreyhoundUntested / With question PCB
90Space PanicUniversalGraphics fault
94No Mans LandUniversalRandom Graphics
96Tiger HeliBootlegUntested
99OscarData EastSome tiles wrong
103HunchbackCenturyon Scramble bootleg / Untested
104Quiz GameSenkoon Jump Bug bootleg / Untested / Missing question roms
107Karate ChampData EastUntested
108FrontlineTaitoUntested / Missing volume pot
109WWF SuperstarsBootlegUntested / 20 x 27C010 eproms!
110Snow BrosToaplanDead
113Galaxian GamepackBootlegCrazy Kong cartridge fitted
114Bay RouteBootlegStuck address on background screen, glitches
PB1Final FightUnknownUntested
PB1Quiz GameCVSGalaxian variant with CVS protection chip – missing roms
PB1Quiz GameCVSGalaxian variant with CVS protection chip – missing roms
PB1Quiz GameCVSGalaxian variant with CVS protection chip – missing roms
PB1Quiz GameCVSGalaxian variant with CVS protection chip – missing roms
PB1Street Fighter 2Unknown
PB1World Cup 90TecmoDead
PB1Credit Control PCBUnknown
PB1Twin CobraTaitoBurnt resistors on video circuit
PB1Ghost and GoblinsUnknownQuiet sound
PB2World RallyGaelcoUntested
PB2Seibu SoccerSeibu
PB2Kung Fu ? (labelled)BootlegUntested
PB2Kung Fu ? (labelled)BootlegUntested
PB2Mr DoBootlegMissing CPU
PB2InvadersDutchfordCopy of Zaccaria invaders
PB2Magic MaggotSIDAM
PB3Driving ForceBootlegOn galaxian hardware
PB3BongoBootlegOn galaxian hardware – missing rom board
PB3LegionairreTAD2 Off
PB3Road Blasters CartAtari
PB3Bad DudesBootleg
PB3Magic MaggotSIDAM
PB3GalaxiaZaccariaCPU Board Only
PB3QIXBootleg6802 and roms missing
PB3CarnivalGremlinCPU and Sound board – untested
PB4Solomons KeyBootlegUntested
PB4GalaxiaZaccariaCPU Board Only
PB4StrugglerSIDAMUntested – missing 3 x 2114, CPU and one of the AY sound chips is dead
PB4Birdie King 2TaitoUntested
PB4Double Dragon 2BootlegUntested
PB4Knights of the RoundBootlegUntested
PB4Karate ChampData EastDead – blank screen
PB4E.D.F.JalecoMissing a few chips
PB4PangBootlegMissing PAL at 1B
PB5Survival ArtsTecmoBad CPU connection (smt)
PB5Power InstinctUnknownSync / Sound
PB5Super PacmanNamcoUntested / Missing eprom / pin broken on prom
PB5F1 DreamCapcomNo picture
PB5OscarData EastBlocky / Address line on background
PB5Invaders Sound Board
PB5Top Ranking StarsTaitoMissing eproms and PAL
PB6Final Lap 1Namco
PB6Space InvadersBootlegMissing roms and CPU
PB6Space InvadersBootlegComplete – Untested
PB6Dynablasterbootlegblack screen
PB6Captain CommandoBootlegmissing graphics plane
PB6Main EventKonamiUntested
PB6GalagaBootlegStars display, may be eprom missing
PB6Play girlsHot BDodgy ram soldering
PB7Street Fighter 2Bootleg6 off
PB7Olympic SoccerBootleg2 off
PB7Quiz GameZilecGalaxian style hardware, missing eproms
PB7Final FightBootlegUntested
PB7Hit the IceTaitoUntested
PB7World Cup 90Bootleg2 off
PB7Euro ChampTaito
PB7ST92 ?Bootleg
PB7Mortal KombatBootlegUntested
PB8Street Fighter 2Bootleg4 off
PB8World Cup 90Tecmomissing common ram
PB8Golden Tee ForeITNo hard disk
PB8World Cup 90Bootleg3 off
PB8US Classic
PB8Main EventKonamiAnother one ?
PB9Street Fighter 2Bootleg4 off
PB9Mortal KombatBootlegUntested
PB9Street SmartBootlegUntested
PB9World Cup 90Tecmo4 off
PB9Amplifier PCBAtari
PB9Seibu SoccerSeibuUntested
PB9Jurassic ParkUnknownUntested
PB10Asteroids DeluxeAtariUntested
PB10Pinball CPU Version 3Data EastWorking but hole in PCB!
PB10Galaxian (Cocktail)Bootleg2 off
PB10Pinball Sound BoardData EastDead
PB10InvadersZaccariaMissing CPU
PB11Ultimate TennisArt and MagicNo screen output
PB11World RallyGaelcoDead
PB11Bubble BobbleBootlegResets
PB11Zero PointUnico
PB11Crude BusterData EastScrewy graphics
PB11Ikari Warriorsbootlegmissing eproms
PB11Mortal KombatBootleg
PB11Gunsmokebootlegmissing eproms / colour proms
PB11Cup FinalTaito
PB11World Cup 90Tecmo
PB11WhizzPhilkododgy graphics, no sound
PB11Time Pilotbootleg
PB11Mr Dobootlegmissing CPU
PB12RobocopBootlegiffy graphics, wrong colours
PB12ExerciserJalecobasically works, slightly odd graphics – maybe missing roms
PB12Galaxian (Cocktail)bootleg2 off
PB12Chase HQTaitomissing 2 rams, hybrid loose
PB12Lethal EnforcersNamco
PB12Crush RollerBootleg
PB12Crime CityTaitomissing ram
PB12Golfing GreatsKonamimissing amp, 4 ram chips and 2 eproms
PB12Shaolins Roadbootlegno roms
PB128 Ball ActionCenturyCVS board
PB12Golden Tee GolfIT3 off
PB13Galaxian – UnknownBootlegsub board with extra outputs
PB13WC90Bootleg3 Off
PB13UnknownSunTVX-2 on PCB
PB13Trivia QuizGreyhound
PB13Casino RoyaleBootleg
PB13Mortal KombatBootleg
PB13Side ArmsCapcom
PB13Space ZapPower Board
PB14Crazy KongBootlegmissing roms
PB14Slap FightUnknownShared memory error
PB14Lethal Crash RaceDead
PB14TV QuizUntested
PB14Cosmic GuerillaUniversalSync problem (been modified!)
PB14PPB Pinball boardData EastWorks (I think)
PB14Pinball CPU boardData East2 off, one with battery damage
PB14CRT ChassisNanao
PB15Galaxian PCB’sVarious20 off
TrunkLeaderboard GolfArcadiaAmiga system based
TrunkWizard of WorBallyGot the control panel, have to wire it up one day!