One of the first things I did on the MiSTer once I had acquired a setup was to take the code for the Astrocade console, add in the additional hardware used by the arcade versions of the games to see if I could get them running. (See original post here)
Following that I then decided to make an interface board to allow users to put a MiSTer (DE10-Nano) into a real Gorf cabinet so that they could then run the game on that so that they no longer needed to worry about the custom chips dying. It needed to fit the original harness and to be complete it needed to also drive the ranking and joystick lights.

So, taking parts from the MiSTer IO board, adding in some circuits for the lights, controls and sound we ended up with version one. This works but had a few problems which have now been fixed.
Additionally, people on Facebook and UKVAC have been asking when they can use it in their Wizard of Wor, Robby Roto and Space Zap cabinets.

So version two has been created and ordered ready to test. This includes a third sound channel for Wizard of Wor and a black and white composite video signal for Space Zap if you have a BW monitor.
Of course, as well as running the Arcade-Astrocade core, there is no reason why you cannot run any of the other cores available on the MiSTer that will work with the monitor rotation and controls available to use to let you experience other games.
More news as this progresses.