Multigame Information
This is a relatively easy to fit multi-game hack for use on a standard Galaxians PCB, (upright or cocktail). It currently allows you to select from up to 20 different games, although some require additional controls. (4 way joystick and/or second fire button).
It uses plug in daughter boards that make fitting much easier. Best case will require a single wire to be soldered, worst case will require you to remove the colour prom and fit a socket there as well. It is now free for you to make your own.
- Grab the gerbers here, and get a set of PCB’s made up.
- Then grab the program files for the eproms and GAL here.
- You can also modify the PCB layout (using Eagle or import to Kicad or similar) here.
- If you make one or more up, then please make a donation to the WWF or Buy me a Coffee.
Features in this version include :-
- Software DIP settings
- Global settings for table type, screen flip and coinage, including free play
- High score saving, either single score or high score tables.
- Return to menu from any game, to allow selection of another.
- Games start immediately, memory test is only performed on initial power up.
- Credits can be saved across games (needs the optional ‘Return to Menu’ button wiring up)
- Cocktail mode supported by all games for table top use.
Current Status
The company where I used to have the PCBs manufactured has ceased doing PCBs. The Gerber files currently linked were tailored specifically to meet their requirements so are not necessarily usable by other companies as they are. I have now reworked all of the PCB files to meet the constraints of another company.
I need to finish checking them, but should hopefully order some samples of version 2 of the Galaxian multigame.
Additionally, Guru, of Mame dumping fame, has completely re-worked the PCB layouts to make use of some more easily available components and that is nearing completion. These do however use some surface mount components (but I am told they will be easy to solder on)