Glen – Retro Replay
This is a list of things that I have from Retro Replay / Glen
Arcade PCBs
- Buggy Challenge – Taito
- Primal Rage – Atari
- Mortal Kombat 2 – Williams
- Pacmania
- Sega Saturn + Controller (Optical disc dead)
- Sony PS2 Controller, Memory card and 2 games
- PS2 Mini (Dead PCB, dead Optical disc) – Case OK!
- PS2 Mini (mains input) – No video output, board was soaked with soft drink. May not be fixable.
- PS3 + Controller + game disk. need working controller to test but several faults.
- 3 PS2 Phat – drive errors (TBC)
- Xbox 360 – Red rings, dead drive, broken case – scrap ?
- Xbox 360 – Dead drive
- Toshiba Walkman
- Bag of broken video guns for parts